Unzip the file and drag the resource anywhere inside your server files while keeping the name "SN-Applicaions" (If the name is changed the resource will not function)
Head to the config.lua and set your framework as true.
Proceed depending on your framework.
In [qb] > qb-core > shared > items.lua add the following:
Question = "Do you have pass experience at a dealership?",
Type = 'LongAnswer',
Used for questions that require a single answer from a list of predefined options.
Question = "Bugatti or Lamborghini?",
Type = 'Select',
Choices = {
Used for questions that require multiple selected answers.
Question = "What position are you applying for?",
Type = 'Checkbox',
Choices = {
'Customer Service',
'General Manager',
ApplicaionTitle = 'What is displayed on top of the application', (Required)
TextColor = 'HexColor', (Optional) Changes the color of all the text.
PrimaryColor = 'HexColor', (Optional) Changes the page color.
SecondaryColor = 'HexColor', (Optional) Changes the secondary colors on the page.
AccentColor = 'HexColor', (Optional) Changes the color when you have something selected.
Placeholder = 'HexColor', (Optional) Changes the color of placeholder text.
(Optional) Webhooks:
if you would like to use discord webhooks add:
Webhook = 'Webhook url',
under any application
Example Application:
JobApplications['voyagesdealership'] = {
Webhook = 'https://discord.com/api/webhooks/999/weburl',
PrimaryColor = '#B2CBF4',
SecondaryColor = '#5876A6',
AccentColor = '#5876A6',
Placeholder = '#FFFFFF',
ApplicaionTitle = 'Voyages Application',
Questions = {
Question = "Have you every had any experience in sales? (N/A if none)",
Type = 'LongAnswer',
Question = "Will you be partaking in criminal activity while in the city?",
Type = 'Select',
Choices = {
Question = "Do you understand at Vogages you will need to wear formal attire at all times while clocked in?",
Type = 'Select',
Choices = {
Question = "How will you stand out from everyone else who already works at the dealership? What would you bring to voyages? Please explain in detail",
Type = 'LongAnswer',
Question = "Are you a motivated person?",
Type = 'Select',
Choices = {
Question = "Do you understand that at voyages we do not discriminate against anyone and do not tolerate it?",
Type = 'Select',
Choices = {
Question = "Will you be hired at any other businesses?",
Type = 'Select',
Choices = {
Question = "Please briefly describe yourself and your backstory",
Type = 'LongAnswer',