Config = {}
Config.NoImage = "" -- the image that will show up if the player has no image set up
Config.DefaultWeight = "150" -- the global default weight if player has not been given a set weight
Config.CivilianCanEditID = true --- will give anyone acces to edit the info on their id
Config.WLJobs = { --- These jobs will be able to use /updateid to update a players id info
["police"] = true,
--["AddJobNameHere"] = true,
Config.IDPrice = 50 -- Price per ID Card
Config.DLPrice = 50 -- Price per Driver License Card
Config.PoliceBadgePrice = 50 -- Price per Police Badge
Config.EMSIDPrice = 50 --- Price per EMS ID Card
Config.PDDivisions = { --- for police divisions examples: sheriff, fib, blaine county etc
["sheriff"] = { --- Job Name
IconName = "sheriff.png", -- Must be in Images Folder
IDTitle = "sheriff's department", --- TITLE ON TOP OF ID
IDColor = {12, 108, 24} -- RGB Value
--[[ ["sheriff"] = { --- You can add multiple
IconName = "sheriff.png",
IDTitle = "sheriff's department",
IDColor = {12, 108, 24}
Config.ShowBlip = true --- Show NPC Blip on map
Config.IDPed = vector4(-544.02, -203.87, 37.22, 183.9) -- Location of the npc to sell ID cards
Last updated